Central European
Workshop on
Quantum Optics

Olomouc, Czech Republic
 —  of July, 2024

University Palacky, Olomouc (Sigil)

CEWQO returns to Olomouc

Central European Workshop on Quantum Optics (CEWQO) is one of the most popular annual meetings for scientists from Europe and beyond. Each year it is organized in a different place and this year its 28th iteration returns to the Central Europe. Let us meet in Olomouc (1st—5th of July, 2024) and discuss the broad canvass of "Quantum Optics, from the fundamentals to the technological applications.

Main topics

  • Fundamental aspects of quantum optics
  • Quantum correlations and entanglement
  • Non-classical states
  • Quantum tomography
  • Open quantum systems
  • Quantum sensing and metrology
  • Quantum communication
  • Cavity and circuit QED
  • Optical quantum technologies
  • Quantum light-matter interaction

Invited speakers

Speakers listed below have confirmed their participation.

  • Ulrik L. Andersen from DTU Lyngby
  • Gabriel Araneda from University of Oxford - Department of Physics
  • Romain Bachelard from Universidade Federal de São Carlos
  • Konrad Banaszek from University of Warsaw
  • Nicolas Cerf from Université Libre de Bruxelles, Centre for Quantum Information & Communication
  • Maria Chekhova from MPI for the Science of Light
  • Uroš Delić from Vienna University
  • Akira Furusawa from The University of Tokyo
  • Markus Hennrich from Department of Physics, Stockholm University
  • Jonathan Home from ETH Zürich
  • Gediminas Juzeliūnas from Vilnius University
  • Robin Kaiser from CNRS
  • Kihwan Kim from Tsinghua University
  • Jan Kolodynski from University of Warsaw
  • Gershon Kurizki from Weizmann Institute of Science
  • Alex Lvovsky from University of Oxford - Department of Physics
  • David Nadlinger from University of Oxford - Department of Physics
  • Alexei Ourjoumtsev from Collège de France
  • Piet O.Schmidt from Institute for Experimental Quantum Metrology, Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Matteo Paris from Physics Department, Università degli Studi di Milano
  • Ana Predojevic from Stockholm University
  • Arno Rauschenbeutel from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Philipp Schindler from University of Innsbruck, Department of Experimental Physics
  • Roman Schnabel from Universität Hamburg, Institute for Quantum Physics
  • Nicolas Treps from Laboratoire Kastler Brossel, Université Pierre et Marie Curie
  • Maurizio Verde from Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
  • Peter van Loock from Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
  • Michael Vanner from Imperial College London

Conference program

The updated pocket version of the conference program is now available for download.

The updated detailed version of the conference program is now available for download as well.

Book of abstracts

The third version of the book of abstracts is now available for download.

Final program, updated.


The conference will take place in Olomouc, a cozy university town with rich history, located within the central Moravian region of Czech republic. It can be easily accessed by train, both from Prague and Vienna.

Conference venue

The conference will take place in Hotel Flora located in a quiet part of Olomouc, close both to the historic city center and the city park.

Official websiteLocation (Google Maps)

Address of the venue

Krapkova 439/34
779 00 Olomouc

Important warning!

We were informed about fraudulent e-mails targeting the invited speakers listed on the website.

We do not use services of any third party in arranging accommodation or transportation reservations.

Accomodation recommedations

Suitable hotels within walkable distance to the city center

Budget-friendly options


The registration for the event is now closed.

Call for abstracts

The call for abstracts is closed.